Website Ideas: find them and bring them to life

Website Ideas: find them and bring them to life

These days, you no longer need to be an astute programmer in order to create and maintain your own website. It has become very easy to showcase your business to the world through the Web. 

However, before you start, it is important you think carefully about how you’ll monetize and generate leads to your web project. This will enable you to have a clear idea of the path you’ll need to follow.

In this article, you will learn the secrets behind good website ideas, the elements you need to complete your project, and the design options available. Get inspired!

What you need in order to build your website ideas

You’ve certainly found the perfect business name. However, you will also need a name for the Internet address (or domain name) of your website.

Then think about what type of website will be best for your idea. We will present several examples below, each based on different platforms or concepts.

Once you have chosen the type of website, it will be easier for you to choose the hosting you need. In the following sections, we will take a closer look at the three main things: domain, website type, and web hosting.

Find a domain name for your website ideas.

The name of your company (or brand name) is a possible starting point for the creation of a domain name.

During the brainstorming, have fun creating variations of your brand name in order to get an available domain name. To do this, all you need is a pencil and a paper, then create fictitious domain names.

Thus, the domain name “” is just as clear as “”. But as these names are often already taken, sometimes you have to think more: “” gives a more personal touch to your website, while “” is too complicated and can be confusing.

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namecheap domain

If the desired domain is already taken, it may be useful to choose one of the new domain extensions. With still recent top-level domains like .shop, .sales, .fun or .holiday, for example, it is possible to create targeted domain names.

Once you’ve found a name you like, talk to a few people you trust. Their advice will help you take a step back from this name.

Define the type of site according to the website idea

You’ll equally need adapt your business model to your website. Visitors should be able to make the link between your website and your physical site by walking past your store window or your company’s headquarters, for example.

Your page will set the tone if you want to sell products online, blog, or showcase your artwork. For the application of these website ideas, some types of sites already established can serve as a reference:

  • Corporate Website: presentation of a company
  • Portfolio: presentation as an artist or service provider
  • Microsite: provides timely information on a specific topic or product
  • Landing Page: triggers registration, purchase or similar action
  • Online store: sale of products and services
  • Blog / magazine: regular publication of editorial content
  • Web app: provision of online use (for example, a reservation or check-in system)

Depending on their scope, these different types of websites can also be combined; their application does not always have to be separate.

For example, you can start by creating a business website or portfolio, then add an online store to it, and end up using microsites and landing pages to promote specific sales campaigns. If you offer services by appointment, you can integrate a reservation system with a web application. A complimentary blog or magazine allows you to explain how to use your products or share the news.

Finding the right web hosting

To store all publicly available information, you need storage space that is online 24 hours a day – this is called web hosting. Such storage space incurs monthly costs. In return, web hosting providers are responsible for providing secure, fast, and appropriate storage space, regular backups, and security measures against computer attacks.

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namecheap shared hosting

Many web hosting services are scalable, meaning they adapt to the needs of a growing business. Good providers often offer multiple domains, databases, support for older variants of scripting languages, SSL certificates, and fast transfer protocols. The basic rates are around $2 per month, larger projects can reach $20 per month.

When integrating online stores, additional costs may be added. When it comes to payment processing, keep in mind that vendors may charge a base price and transaction fees based on varying criteria, some of which are revenue-based.

Important detail: websites located in Europe must choose hosts also located in Europe to avoid any conflict with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How to find a good idea for your web project?

Do you remember when and why you last clicked on a website? Was the offer clear enough, informative, and attractive? Was it what you expected? These few elements already describe what it takes to build the best website from the best idea in the world.

What is too much or too little? Should such an element be removable? Do you need sound or black and white photos? Even if there are no ready-made answers, there are some basics that can help.

A clear structure for a clear message

Every business needs a clear structure in order to function. It is the same for a website that must direct the visitor’s gaze to the essential things. This clarity gives an impression of competence and the ability to concentrate on the essentials. And that’s exactly what visitors expect, whether it’s the site of a pizza delivery service, a photographer, or a furniture manufacturer.

Visiting a website should be an experience. It is the digital showroom of an offer, whatever it is.

Mobile First and Mobile Only

More and more users are going online with the help of their smartphones. This is why it is important to go for a responsive website. Regardless of the size or orientation of the device, content should be presented in a simple and, preferably, intuitive way.

The principle of “Mobile First” should already be present in your mind when thinking about website ideas. It also forces you to think about what can be done without altering the message.

True to its motto “Mobile Only”, Google now only indexes mobile-friendly websites. So, in order to get potential customers to your website, consider aligning your website ideas with this point.

Pursue specific goals

Put yourself in the shoes of your website visitors. What can they expect from your business? How do you present yourself in order to get your message across and achieve your goal? Define your goals, then build content and design based on them.

Do you want to sell something? Tell your visitors directly with a call to action. You may also have special offers (for example, “free delivery this week”). It can encourage visitors to stay and become customers.

When thinking about your website ideas, always keep in mind what you think is the most important value of your business and your brand. Satisfied customers will pass this value on as a recommendation.

Focus on trends and experience

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel in order to come up with ideas for your web project – take inspiration from current trends in web design. Our article on web design trends will show you the way. Also, take a look at competing sites and find some inspiring ideas for your own website.

Consider the budget

Create a realistic budget that includes one-time costs and scheduled payments for building and running your website. Our article on “How much does a website cost” will give you a complete overview.

Inspiration: 15 website ideas

Want to launch your own site on the Internet, but you’re missing the main idea? Get inspired by the following website ideas!

Creative portfolio

The website of a freelance media designer or design agency should make a big impression on visitors at the first glance. At the same time, company information must remain easy to find.

Combine short texts with lots of visuals to showcase your best work. Special design effects like parallax scrolling can also be used. However, make sure the site has a good performance (in terms of load speed) and that visitors are not lost.

Coaching website

By creating your coaching website, you are giving interested people the first point of contact. Visitors can make an appointment with you, learn more about your offer and your journey. You will easily get new customers if you focus on SEO and post some interesting articles in a blog attached to the website.

Online Store

You don’t have to be an import-export business tycoon in order to be successful on the Internet with your own online store.

You can easily earn extra money online with a craft hobby like knitting or sculpting.

If you want to sell homemade products online, don’t be afraid to showoff your personality. It will appeal to the customers just as much as the product. Offer a clear presentation of your products, with text and images, as well as common payment and shipping options.

Cooking blog

Do you like food? Showcase your best dishes online.

Illustrate recipes with photos of ingredients and finished dishes – website visitors will get their mouth watering just reading them. You can also write restaurant reviews or introduce your readers to particularly interesting dishes. Content management systems like WordPress are great for such projects.

Podcast hosting site

Podcasts are increasingly popular. If you feel like expressing yourself, you can post your conversations online on different platforms.

A dedicated website allows you to provide another channel to listen to your podcast. Download your audio files and give your visitors the ability to listen to them directly on your site through an integrated player. You can even integrate a payment function into it.

The home page can be used to post additional information about your work.

Affiliate platform

Today, it is possible to affiliate with some online sellers (like Amazon) through affiliate marketing.

The concept: You post reviews of different products on your page and link them to the merchant’s website. As soon as a visitor purchases an affiliate item, you receive a commission. The most important thing is to write authentic reviews or product descriptions so that your readers get the real added value and buy with confidence.

Online documentary

Tell a story with interactive elements through storytelling.

Are you passionate about a subject? Showcase your web research with impressive images and responsive web design. A site allows you to gradually assemble bits of information, however small, to create a whole. Write texts that make the readership want to read the rest of the story.

The storytelling tools can also help you in planning and implementing your website.

Restaurant website

When you create your restaurant’s website, you allow customers to learn about the menu and ambiance in advance.

Again, be sure to include enticing photos that will make them want to visit your establishment. Publish your menu: if you have new dishes or a daily menu, you can easily update it online.

By incorporating a web application, you can even manage online reservations or orders through your site. Also, remember to include a card to facilitate the arrival of your future customers.

Photographer portfolio

If you are a photographer, creating a photography website is a great thing to do.

Thanks to their large format and impressive presentation, your photos will not leave any visitor indifferent. For this purpose, equally use different gallery designs so that your visitors can easily browse your photos.

Event website

If you regularly organize parties, concerts, and other events, you can advertise them perfectly on a corresponding website.

In addition to providing information about the event, a site also allows you to sell tickets directly online. Fans of the event can even find photos from previous editions or exchange information with other visitors via a forum.

CV website

With your own CV site, you introduce yourself directly to potential employers.

Instead of just sending your resume and cover letter by email, you’ll get ahead of your competition with your personal site. You can use it as a digital business card, and not just for job applications. You can incorporate photos, work history, and work samples into it in order to best reflect your ethics and personality.

You offer additional information possibilities with links to your professional profiles on social networks.

Fashion and beauty blog

Do you like fashion, beauty and are up to date with the latest trends?

A website will enable you to share your passion with others. On your own blog, you can easily post articles and share photos of your favorite clothes or makeup trends.

If you already have a YouTube channel, you can embed your videos there as well. For this, use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress which allows you to achieve impressive results even without knowledge of HTML.

Landing product page

Young start-ups can use a website to showcase a new product in its best light. Highlight the benefits, explain the features and answer the most important questions to convince customers and investors.

This can also be done by means of a one-page site, for example, which interested parties can simply scroll through.

Sports team website

Your team deserves a web presence. You can let your fans know news about your team or your sport in general here.

Also, introduce the different team members and tell the story of the club.

With a schedule, you are equally sure that no fan will miss a game. Such a site is also perfect for solo athletes who want to convince sponsors, for example.

Online course

Whether technical training or an application seminar: you can offer online courses on your own website.

Notify visitors of the offer, create a calendar, and include a reservation system. It is also possible to provide an area reserved for paying members. There you can post videos and guides, as well as webinars and courses.


Setting up the ideas for your web project

Now it’s getting serious. All the conditions are right for your website idea to come true. As for the “how”, there are many possibilities, which we’ll summarize here briefly.

Solutions for your website ideas

  • HTML & CSS: Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to know HTML and CSS in order to build your own website. There are plenty of tools that’ll make your job easier. However, it still helps to have at least some basic knowledge of HTML.
  • Static site: generators run locally on the computer (or in a cloud) and create unique HTML pages from code structures. For a website with a very simple design, primarily intended to provide information, a static site generator can be a good solution. For large web projects, this approach is rather discouraged.
  • Website Builder Tool: These tools are available from many vendors. They help you bring your own web project ideas to life without programming knowledge. With such a creation tool, the website is practically already ready for use.
  • Content management system: The leader here is undoubtedly WordPress. A global community is constantly developing new plugins and themes, which make almost any website idea come true. Also, almost all hosting providers also offer WordPress hosting packages.

Don’t forget the mandatory information!

You can have fun experimenting with your web project ideas. However, some mandatory information should not be forgotten. Here are the most important elements:

  • The legal information that must contain specific information, depending on the sector.
  • A privacy policy.
  • The processing of cookies, which allows users the option of accepting only certain cookies.
  • If necessary, the general conditions of sale (GTC) if you manage an online store.
  • The duties of information and instruction for distance selling if you enter into contracts with consumers on the Internet, such as a right of withdrawal.

There are several free to paid online generators for these basics. Site building tools generally offer corresponding elements.

The benefits of your own website

Your website is your sales tool, digital portfolio, press space, or diary, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Once the right website ideas are found and brought to life, you can easily reach many readers and customers. You have the opportunity to showcase your strengths and show what sets your business apart from the competition.

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By promoting your website, you will reach a large audience and strengthen your position in the market.

You can use your website to sell products even if your store must remain closed, especially during lockdown periods, when movement is limited. You can also offer personalized appointments online in order to comply with mandatory regulations. A well-designed website idea helps attract new visitors who, through skillful navigation, can become permanent customers. And this, all over the world.